Calling Young Renters Facing Eviction!

Calling Young Renters Facing Eviction!

Posted on 20th October 2022

TRUE TV NORTH is making a documentary series for BBC Three about young renters facing eviction. They want to hear your stories! Get in touch for a chat in complete confidence.

PS - Remember to mention that you were referred by The UK Right 2 Rent Register

What is the format of the show?
The show is an observational documentary series following several young renters throughout the UK who have been threatened with eviction or who have recently been evicted.

 Who are they looking for to take part?

We are looking to hear from young people who are privately renting and have been threatened with eviction, feel unable to meet a rent increase, or have already been evicted.

 What does filming entail?

The show is filmed by a very small crew who would film with you on and off over a number of weeks. We would discuss with you in advance everything that we would like to film

 When will the show be on TV?

The show would not be finished until March / April 2023 so it would not air until after that.

Does my landlord need to agree to take part?

No, they don’t need to agree to take part and we don’t need their permission to film in your apartment. We would discuss in advance any communication we have with your landlord, and we will talk this through with you in more detail if you get in touch with our team.

UKR2R News