Another local council condemns private landlord empty properties...But not its own?

Another local council condemns private landlord empty properties...But not its own?

Posted on 11th January 2023

Caerphilly council is urging residents to get involved, reminding them they have only a week left to comment on the current empty private homes issue. 

Their draft Private Sector Empty Homes Strategy 2023 - 2028 sets out plans to tackle the high numbers of empty homes in the county borough. 

In addition, it sets out its range of measures available to the council aimed at assisting landlords to bring their empty homes back into use, A definite step in the right direction!  

However ... A statement from the council says the proposals will only apply to private sector empty properties and will not extend to empty properties within the council’s own housing stock or those owned by other community landlords.

 Question: Is it fair that the same urgency to reduce empty property numbers being placed on private landlords will not be applied to the council's own empty housing stock?

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