Fake CO alarms sold online are putting tenant lives at risk – Warns cross-party think tank

Fake CO alarms sold online are putting tenant lives at risk – Warns cross-party think tank

Posted on 1st February 2024

The think tank Policy Connect is warning the growth in fake or sub-standard carbon monoxide alarms available online, which can leave unsuspecting households unprotected.

Dubbed the silent killer, carbon monoxide is a colourless, odourless and deadly gas. It cannot be detected through our senses and carbon monoxide poisoning is very difficult to diagnose. CO alarms are therefore a vital shield against carbon monoxide poisoning, alerting residents when dangerous amounts of CO are recorded over a period of time.

In England, landlords of private rentals and social housing must install CO alarms in rooms with fixed combustion appliances. Wales goes a step further and includes gas cookers which pose a threat when used without correct ventilation, while Scotland also mandates owner-occupied homes to install CO alarms but does not cover rooms with gas cookers.

Policy Connect says knowing the sources of carbon monoxide can be difficult, and there is variation in requirements for installing CO alarms across the UK, and that although many reputable vendors exist in the UK, both industry figures and members of the public have continued to report sub-standard, and even fraudulent, alarms being sold on online marketplaces.

Policy Connect says landlords in particular must be aware both of the risks of carbon monoxide poisoning and proper methods for protection.

They advise when purchasing an alarm landlords should:

  • Show caution when using online marketplaces, as alarms sold there can be mislabelled or have dubious function, such as being ‘non-audible’
  • Check that alarms meet UK domestic standards (BS EN 50291). .
  • Properly install the alarm according to standards (BS EN 50292) in addition, it is essential that both alarm and hazardous appliances are maintained.

Putting an alarm in all rooms with heating or cooking appliances can give the best layer of protection – especially in the bitter winter months, when people turn the heating on and close windows.

Barry Sheerman MP, co-chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Carbon Monoxide Group (APPCOG), says: Awareness of and protective measures against the risks of carbon monoxide are imperative. Through the persistent sale of fraudulent CO alarms online, we urge the public to ensure alarms they purchase are compliant with British Standards – measures designed to ensure the highest level of quality and protection.

The UK Right 2 Rent Register
Web:  www.theukright2rentregister.org