Landlord court fees set to rise

Landlord court fees set to rise

Posted on 15th April 2024

The NRLA says it is profoundly disappointed that the government has chosen to hike court fees for landlords at exactly the time when dissatisfaction with the courts is so high.

Chris Norris, the NRLA’s Policy and Campaign’s Director says: Landlords and tenants in the private rented sector are reliant on a consistent, fair, and timely service from HM Courts & Tribunals, which is often found wanting. Increasing the cost of accessing justice without a corresponding improvement in the service provided seems unjustified.

Court fees will rise 10% in May 24, with the cost of a possession claim rising to nearly £400.

The 10% rise has been applied to 202 different court fees

Expected increases for landlords:

  • A warrant of possession, rise from £130 to £143
  • Most orders to enforce a money judgement, rises from £119 to £131
  • Making a possession claim in the county court, rises from £355 to £391

During consultations, most respondents felt any increase above the cost of living was unfair, however, the government ignored that, stating the new rise is lower than the 17.8% applied to costs between 2021 and 2023. 

The government is yet to confirm an actual date for the increases.
