New UK Landlord community group pledges to drive positive changes

New UK Landlord community group pledges to drive positive changes

Posted on 30th August 2023

The Landlord Leaders Community group  pledges to drive positive changes for both landlords and tenants, in a bid to creating a sustainable and thriving private rented sector.

 Set up by finance firm OSB Group, the organisation has 13 founding members and today revealed its mission statement which includes what it calls its four areas of focus. 

1. Education and Training:

  •  Establish comprehensive educational programs and guides for landlords to increase awareness of their rights, responsibilities, and best practices in the industry, especially around sustainability.
  • Collaborate with industry associations, government bodies, and educational institutions to develop and deliver training courses and workshops tailored to the needs of stakeholders.
  • Encourage ongoing professional development within the industry to ensure that professionals remain updated with the latest trends, regulations, and best practices.
  • Signpost resources for stakeholders to use for best practice and guidance.
  • Encourage disparate sections of the industry to increase cross-education and better understanding of their roles within the sector, and externally to the public and media.


2. Communication: 

  •  Encourage clearer communication between tenants and landlords.
  •  Promote the use of digital platforms and applications to facilitate efficient communication, such as dedicated online portals or mobile apps.
  •  Work towards the implementation of a standardized communication system between landlords, tenants, and relevant stakeholders to ensure clear and timely exchange of information.
  •  Communicate the economic benefits of a thriving private rented sector to the public.

3. Collaboration:

  •  Encourage collaborative efforts between landlords, tenants, and other stakeholders for a more seamless rental experience and to foster a sense of understanding, responsibility and community spirit within the sector.
  •  Facilitate the establishment of landlord forums to enable open dialogue and co-operation in addressing common concerns.

4.Positive Industry Perception:

  •  Promote a more positive view of the private rental industry by highlighting success stories, best practices, and positive contributions made by landlords and tenants; and
  •  Engage with media outlets and community organisations to counter negative stereotypes and misconceptions.

A public statement from the organisation stated: Despite ongoing challenges, the Landlord Leaders Community believes that the future of the private rented sector remains bright. But more needs to be done to unite a fragmented industry, to encourage collaboration and better communication, putting tenants at the heart of everything the industry does. Buy-to-let is not just any business, it is one with huge social implications, It continues: At its core, the community continues its aim to bring the industry together, promote professionalism, foster closer tenant/landlord relationships, encourage fairness and transparency and to spread a positive message about the future of the private rented sector in the UK. 

More info can be found on Landlord Leaders Community's website.

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