Rogue landlord jailed for 13 months post tenant's horrific fire death ... Does the punishment fit the crime?

Rogue landlord jailed for 13 months post tenant's horrific fire death ... Does the punishment fit the crime?

Posted on 23rd May 2023

The landlord of a cellar flat where a fire resulted in the death of a tenant has been jailed for breaching health and safety regulations.

Philip Sheridan died of injuries suffered in a blaze in the unofficially converted basement where he lived in Leeds.

Sheridan, aged 32, died as a result of complications arising from severe smoke inhalation, landlord Humrazz Shahid was given a 13-month prison term by Leeds Crown Court

The court was told that, after the incident, both the fire service and local authority concluded that the unofficially converted cellar in a mid-terraced house was unsuitable for human habitation, due in part to the inadequacy of the fire detection and escape measures. The cellar had only one entrance, of which the door did not even have a proper handle on it, in addition, it was partially blocked by the cooker - the source of the fire. 

The court also heard that there was no smoke or fire alarm fitted in the property at the time.

Although not the owner of the property, it was proven that he had the authority to deal with its management and had done so since 2008. He was shown as the landlord on the tenancy agreement he signed with Sheridan in August 2013, and Sheridan’s housing benefit was paid directly into his bank

Shahid admitted the offence of failing to discharge a duty owed under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974

Phillip Sheridan managed to eventually escape, but in doing so suffered burns to the back of his head, upper torso, neck, and arms, injuries consistent with him having to lean over the blazing cooker obstructing his access to exit the property. He collapsed on the pavement outside the property and was transferred to hospital where he remained until his death.

Detective Superintendent Marc Bowes, of West Yorkshire Police, said: The death of Philip Sheridan in these circumstances was an absolute tragedy, but one that was entirely avoidable had Shahid taken his responsibilities to ensure a safe living environment seriously.

He added: We hope that seeing Shahid held accountable for his flagrant breach of the regulations will serve as a clear reminder to other landlords and property managers who fail to meet their legal obligations to put the safety of their tenants first.

The UK Right 2 Rent Register
