True North TV require participants for 2nd BBC 3 documentary - The lifting of the eviction ban etc, (Scotland)

True North TV require participants for 2nd BBC 3 documentary - The lifting of the eviction ban etc, (Scotland)

Posted on 12th February 2024


Hi Moz,

My name is Natalie, and I am a producer at True North TV.  

Firstly, I’d like to thank UKR2R staff for its invaluable assistance in helping us previously to find suitable tenant participants for our recently aired TV series for BBC3 Evicted, in which we followed young renters across England as they faced no-fault evictions and struggled to find new accommodation during the cost-of-living crisis. 

You can watch it here: 

We are going into production with another  60-minute documentary based in Scotland, which will follow the stories of young renters throughout the country who are facing eviction, because of the lifting of the eviction ban and the 3% rent cap.  

I am contacting you because I would like to ask if you or anyone from UKR2R might be available for a chat?

Again, it would be great if you could spread the word that we are in production, and whether UKR2R users might be interested in sharing their story on the programme. 

 I have attached a flyer with contact info  so you can see what we are looking for, and for your users to get in touch directly,  

Hope to hear from you soon, 

Kind regards,  

Natalie Walker   True North TV

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